Plan Inclusion

What's In The Plans

Ensure you are well-informed prior to purchase. All material in the plans is detailed, easy to follow, and complemented by 3D illustrations.

Plan Complete Overview

Tool Listing

Tools required for project completion. All plans achievable with basic household tools; enhanced tools expedite progress. No need for intimidation; basic tools suffice.

Technique Videos

Included in the plans are links to basic woodworking techniques to quickly reference and help you learn something new or refresh your memory. The videos are user friendly.

Links to Accessories

We have provided links to all accessories required to finish the project, like casters, wheels, and more. This ensures a quick, convenient purchase.

List of Wood Needed
A comprehensive list of required wood is provided for each project to ensure you purchase the correct amount. Following these instructions will help you complete the project efficiently.
Complete Cut List

The illustrations vividly display how to lay out your cuts and incorporate a number, letter, or color reference for swift part identification. Each piece includes precise measurements for effortless comprehension, mostly in 1/8" increments with a few in the 1/16" range.

3D Illustrations

Every illustration is designed in 3D and color for quick, easy, realistic reference.

Step-by-Step Instruction

Each step is explained in clear language for simple comprehension. If you've completed 5th grade, you'll grasp my intentions.

24/7 Support

Just like with any product or service we provide, feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or advice. You can find our contact info in every plan.

You Got This

You Are Not Alone

Even though we don't think you will need us, we are here anytime for assistance.

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